Arthur P. Jones and Associates,Inc.
98 Cottage Street
Easthampton, MA 01027
413-529-0924 Fax

Parking Violations :

This Parking System is in real time mode. That is as you enter a payment or violation it is immediately accessable to you or any of your staff that have access to the database. This includes any and all reports as well.

Violation Notices:

Hearing Notices:  You will have the capability to either assign a hearing to all violations outstanding as of a particular date or between any two dates. This hearing notice will include or exclude any violations for a particular registration that has a violation between these dates. These notices are recorded in the database for future reference

21 Day Notices:    You may send a twenty-one day notice for any outstanding Parking Violation after the twenty one day time period has elapsed and the surcharge has been added. If the individual requests a Hearing then he/she may be sent a Hearing Notice or given a hearing immediately. This action is also recorded in the database for future reference

Surcharges:           Our software program for Parking Violations will allow you to have 24/7 access and update capabilities. Any and all surcharges are calculated every evening after close of business for your office. Surcharges may be of varying amounts depending upon the violation it is attached to.

Report availability:

This database program is extremely flexible and has built in report capabilities to include but not limited to the following.

Ticket Summary, Badge, Master Docket, Delinquent, Voided, Uncollectable, Boot & Tow, Hearing Schedule, Ticket Proof by Session and/or Date, Daily Work Report, Refund, Write-off, Overpayment, and 21 Day register Report. These reports also may include subreports or qualifiers to limit or expand as necessary. Other reports may be added as needed or desired.

Lessed/Rented Vehicle

Upon notification by Leasing or Rental company or as a result of a Registry of Motor Vehicle Inquiry our database is updated to indicate who had leased or rented the vehicle at the time of the violation. This information is used to prevent the registration from being "marked" at the RMV if received in a timely fashion by the Leasing or Renting agency after a 21 day Violation or Hearing Notice. At this point we can transmit a Hearing notice to the operator of the vehicle and allow him/her to respond.

This is only a synopsis of what is available. Please contact us if you would like further information or if there are and questions.


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