Online payments for most communities are now available for your convenience; Your online payments made will be processed by 11:00 AM on the FOLLOWING BUSINESS DAY. If you must go to the Registry of Motor Vehicles to renew your license or registration or acquire a new registration ALL obligations must be satisfied!
Please click here and follow the prompts. If you are paying online through this website click on the green area above or on the left of the page at Unibank Online Payments. Then scroll to the Municipality and enter the bill number and year, do this for all obligations and pay via credit or debit card.
Cell phones may not work for payments. You must either use a computer or laptop.
Cash payments are not encouraged. You may pay your obligations online as described above or have it delivered to our office via USPS, UPS, FEDEX, DHL or personal delivery. (MO or Bank check is recommended).
Normally our phones are staffed from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. We can provide you with your obligations and further instructions if needed.
We are closed on 12-25-2024 with a half day on 12-24-2024 Closing 1:00 PM. Please consider this when making online payments.... Paid after 12-23-2024 will not be released at RMV until 12-26-2024.
Please consider paying your obligations online to prevent further exposure to communicable diseases such as Covid-19.
Thank you for this consideration!
Thank You
Art Jones